Society, Politics, and Economy in Modern Turkey: Sociology of Turkey - Maintained by Tugrul Keskin
We are at a point in our work when we can no longer ignore empires and the imperial context in our studies. (p. 5)
― Edward W. Said, Culture and Imperialism

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Associate Professor in Modern Turkey: History, Language, Culture - University of Oslo

A permanent (tenure) position of Associate Professor in Modern Turkey: History, Language, Culture is available at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo.
The holder of the position is expected to initiate and lead research related to historical, social and cultural developments in Turkey in the period after the middle of the 19th century, to supervise PhD and MA candidates, to participate in teaching, exam setting and evaluation at all levels, and to carry out administrative duties in accordance with the needs of the Department. The successful candidate will play a central role in further development of high-quality research and teaching in Middle East Studies at the Department in collaboration with colleagues, and is expected to take active part in the activities at the Department’s Centre for Islamic and Middle East Studies Center.
•PhD or equivalent academic qualifications with a specialization in the study of Turkey or The Ottoman Empire after the middle of the 19th century
•The ability to use oral and written Turkish language sources in research and in courses taught at all levels
•Pedagogical skills and a willingness to take active part in academic leadership and administration, see How to document your pedagogical skills
•Personal suitability and motivation for the position
The following qualifications will be taken into account in the assessment of the applicants:
•Academic qualifications and academic production with a focus primarily on the study of historical, social and cultural developments in Turkey in the period after the middle of the 19th century; with an emphasis on works published within the last 5 years. Originality and innovative thinking are preferred to quantity
• Ability to contribute to the teaching of courses in Turkish language on all levels
• International peer-reviewed publications 
• Potential to contribute to the long-term development of the academic and research environment at the department
• Positive results in external fund raising
• Pedagogical qualifications and ability to inspire students
• Interest, ability and/or experience in management and administration
• Collaborative skills and willingness to initiate joint projects
• Experience with collaboration across established academic disciplines, and ability to build international networks
• Communication and public outreach skills
• Candidates with a high-level of proficiency in another Turkic language or one of the other main languages of the Middle East may be given priority
In the assessment of the qualified candidates all criteria listed above will be explicitly addressed and assessed. The quality of published academic work, development potential and breadth of intellectual/academic interest will be prioritized in this order.
Full announcement:

Yeni Kitap: 1960-1980 Arası İslamcı Dergiler - Toparlanma ve Çeşitlenme

Şubat, 2016
NOBEL Akademik Yayıncılık

Ulus devlet serüveninin çeperinde şekillenen içe kapanma dönemi¬nin düşünce dünyasında da ciddi bir sınır oluşturduğunu her ge¬çen gün daha iyi anlıyoruz. Gündemler, kavramlar ve meseleleri ele alıştaki öncelikler takip edildiğinde bu durum açıkça gözlemlene¬bilir. Bu sınırlılığı aşma işaretlerinin en somut şekilde görüldüğü dönemin, çok partili hayatın nispeten süreklileştiği 1960-1980 ara¬sı yıllar olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Bir ölçüde, halkın farklı katmanlarının doğrudan sürece dâhil olduğu bu dönem, gerek Tür¬kiye’nin yakın tarihindeki özgül ağırlığı, gerekse de İslamcı düşünce ve yayıncılık tarihindeki yeni arayışlar, mecra tutuşlar, kurumlaş¬malar, çeşitlenmeler ve söylem farklılaşmaları bakımından günü¬müzde de canlı bir şekilde etkisini devam ettirmektedir.
Ayrıca dönemin faaliyetlerinde etkin rol üstlenmiş şahısların önemli bir kısmının hâlen hayatta bulunması bugünden yapılacak bir okumanın sınanmış bir gözle de murakabesine imkân vermek¬tedir. Bugünün Türkiyesini siyasette, bürokraside, sivil kurumlarda ve entelektüel alanda taşıyan kadroların çok önemli bir kısmının 1960-1980 döneminde yetişen kuşaklar olduğu dikkate alındığında, o yılların önemi daha iyi anlaşılacaktır. Sonuç olarak, günümüzü daha iyi anlamak için, adeta bugünün ana rahmi olan 1960-80 yıl¬larını yakından incelemenin gerekliliği oldukça açıktır. Dolayısıyla gerek tanık olduğumuz sürecin anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunması gerek yaşayan bu tarihî tanıklarla yeni kuşaklar arasında bir köprü oluşturma imkânı vermesi bu çalışmanın hem niyetini hem de kıymetini ortaya koymaktadır.


Türkiye’de İslamcılık Düşüncesinin Seyrini Dergiler Üzerinden Okumak - Ahmet Köroğlu
1960 Öncesi İslamî Neşriyat: Sin(diril)me, Tahayyül ve Tefekkür - Necdet Subaşı
Kenetlenmenin İmkânsızlığı: 1960-1980 Dönemi İslamcı Dergiciliğin Macerası Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme - Asım Öz
İslamcılığı Yeniden Düşünmek: Geçmişi Değerlendirmenin Ahlakı ve Geleceği Düşünmenin İmkanı
Vahdettin Işık

1960-1980 Yılları Arasında Büyük Doğu Dergisi ve Necip Fazıl Kısakürek - Mahmut Hakkı AkıN

Antikomünist Propoganda: Büyük Doğu Mecmuası Örneği - Mustafa Oğuzhan Çolak, İbrahim Enes Aksu, Yunus Emre Tapan
Diriliş Dergisinde Tarih İlgisi ve Sonuçları - Yunus Emre Özsaray
Edebiyat Dergisi: Yerli Düşüncenin Sesi - İlhan Sadıkoğlu
Mavera: Yedi Güzel Adam’ın Dergisi - Şerife Nihal Zeybek

İslam Mecmuası ve İslam Âleminden Taşıdıkları: Soğuk Savaş Dünyasında Ümmeti Tahayyül Etmek
Ayşen Baylak
Hilal Dergisi ve Hilal Yayınları: Yerli Bir Neşriyat Harekâtı Olarak Çeviri Faaliyetleri - Alperen Gençosmanoğlu
Nur Talebelerinin Sesi: İhlas, Zülfikar ve Uhuvvet Gazeteleri - Ahmet Karakaya
Zülfikar Mecmuası: 1960’lardaki Nur Hareketine Dair Bir Okuma Denemesi - Alev Erkilet
İslamcı Yayıncılık Bağlamında Mücadele Birliği ve Dergileri - Mustafa Aydın
Millî Türk Talebe Birliği ve Millî Gençlik Dergisi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme - Serkan Yorgancılar
Akıncı Güç ve Akıncılar Dergilerinde Tartışmanın Şiddeti ve Şiddetin Dili - Ertuğrul Zengin
Bir Yayıncılık Membaı Olarak Düşünce Dergisi - Mehmet Erken
Şûrâ-Tevhid-Hicret Gazeteleri ve İslami Düşüncede Radikal Tavır - Kâmil Yeşil

Mümin mi, Makbul Vatandaş mı?: Hakses Dergisindeki Cuma Hutbelerinin Analizi - Nurettin Ürün
Tohum Dergisi: Semiyolojik Bir Okuma - TuBa Aydın
İslam Medeniyeti Dergisi: İslam’ın Son Kalesinde Bir Umut - Fatih Kucur


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Defending the Current Academic Orthodoxy in Islamic Studies: A Response to Bruce Lawrence

Ali Mirsepassi and Tadd Fernee

Sociology of Islam, Volume 3, Issue 3-4, pages 107 – 124


Upon publishing our book, we expected colleagues to perhaps challenge us and write critical reviews.1 We wrote it with the intention of offering a critical study of the ‘new orthodoxy’ in Islamic studies, and particularly in fashionable us academic circles. However, we treated the scholars we criticized with utmost respect. We believe that our critical arguments are fair, and based on a careful reading of their works. It was sad and unexpected to read Professor Bruce Lawrence’s harshly aggressive yet complacently inattentive review of our book. Lawrence seems unhappy that our approach to Islam comes from a sociological and perhaps ‘non-believer’ perspective. His hostility, it appears, reflects personal intolerance rather than scholarly vocation. This is confirmed by the resolute refusal to analyze, even superficially, the book’s intellectual content or specific arguments. Lawrence prefers to simply smear its credibility based on innuendo and petty pretext. Without saying so directly, Lawrence employs the weight of his considerable reputation to defend the existing aca- demic orthodoxy in contemporary Islamic studies. This orthodoxy features an uncritical and idealized view of religion, combined with a highly critical atti- tude to a nebulously conceived modernity. Violence committed in the name of religion is either passed over in silence, or explained away in terms of a mis- reading of the holy sources. It is occasionally rationalized as a struggle of sub- jugated knowledge against hegemonic modernity. We now take the time to reply to Lawrence’s review of our book.2 Worse than simple disagreements (which are welcome and interesting), or errors of interpretation (which are understandable), the deliberate falsifications in Lawrence’s review raise serious issues of scholarly integrity. The tone is openly hostile, while refusing to discuss the book’s arguments even superficially. Lawrence stridently upbraids superficial and contingent details (one incoher- ence in the spelling of a name, otherwise spelled uniformly across several hun- dred pages), while ridiculing theses that never appear in the book at all. Lawrence seems especially displeased that the book does not deal primarily with Iran since ‘the authors are mostly Iranian’ (Lawrence 2015: 2). Given that there are two authors, and one is Iranian, how can they be mostly Iranian? It seems that Lawrence is either making a mathematical blunder, or an unkind insinuation concerning one of the two co-authors. Given that he writes his review as if only one author exists, it must certainly be the latter.


Book Review: “Atatürk: An Intellectual Biography” reviewed by Prof. Feroz AHMAD

CHANGING TURKEY - on July 8, 2015

Professor Şükrü Hanioğlu began his career in Istanbul University as a political scientist and wrote his doctoral thesis on the Ottoman intellectual Abdullah Cevdet. It was then published and received moderately good reviews except from the pen of Cemil Meriç, himself an intellectual and man of letters of some distinction. Writing about Hanioğlu’s thesis later published as a book, Cemil Meriç wrote: “I got no pleasure from the doctoral thesis on Abdullah Cevdet. It is an extremely ordinary and insipid book. Based on police reports it is like a bad police novel. The writer knows neither the language nor does he understand Cevdet’s language. Those who supervised his thesis were also totally ignorant….” [1]. I do hope that Cemil Meriç would have been kinder and appreciative of Hanioğlu’s later works.
Since writing his thesis, Hanioğlu’s years at Princeton University have matured him into a scholar of some repute. There he reinvented himself as a historian and shifted his attention to what is becoming a multi-volume biography of the Young Turk movement, having completed two volumes so far. The first volume published in 1995 covered the years 1889, the founding of the Committee of Union and Progress, to the Paris congress of 1902. Volume two, published in 2001, covered the years 1902 –1908 when “the Young Turks prepared for the revolution”. I expected to see the publication of the next volume, perhaps two volumes on the Young Turks revolution and the constitutional period 1908-1918. But he seems to have decided to leapfrog that decade and write the book under review [2].


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies Academic Mailing List Virginia Tech

Our Objectives
We have created a mailing list for scholars who may be interested in exchanging
academic information related with Islam and Muslim Societies. You will find the information necessary to be a subscriber to this list. This is a scholarly network on Islam and Muslim Societies, which facilitates the academic exchange of information on conferences, panels, articles, books, and events. This network does not promote the orientalist approach toward Islam and Muslim Societies. We believe that Islam is a part and parcel of World civilization and has contributed toward the humanistic value of mankind. However, the last two hundreds years of human history shows us that Muslim Societies have been subject to a colonialist process. This process has transformed Islam from its original meaning and message to that of a reactionary identity. Therefore, today in Muslim Societies we witness poverty, economic inequality, chaotic urbanization, corruption, anti-democratic regimes, gender inequality, and occupations. The Worldwide Islam Scholars Network promotes C. Wright Mills’ Sociological Imagination perspectives in relation to Islam and Muslim Societies. Within this network of Sociologists, Political Scientists, Religious Studies Scholars, Historians, we will exchange scholarly information on Islam and Muslim societies.  

The Sociology of Islam Academic Mailing list at Portland State University is a free professional and academic networking tool to encourage interaction between individuals & organizations involved in Islam/Sociology of Islam/Islamist Movements and related fields worldwide. Members and subscribers are encouraged to dialogue and share resources on books, articles, conferences, teaching, and other related purposes.

The Archive at Virginia Tech

April 2007 – October 2009

April 2014 - Present

The Archive at Portland State University

November 2009 – April 2014

If you want to subscribe to the list, please send me an email.

Tugrulk(at) or tugrulkeskin(at)


*  Country                  Subscribers
*  -------                  -----------
*  Algeria                            1
*  Armenia                            2
*  Australia                         31
*  Austria                            3
*  Bangladesh                         3
*  Belgium                           12
*  Bosnia and Herzegovina             1
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*  Brunei Darussalam                  1
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*  Chile                              2
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*  Czech Republic                     1
*  Denmark                           17
*  ??? (EU)                           9
*  Egypt                              1
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*  France                            25
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*  Greece                             1
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*  Ireland                            3
*  Islamic Republic of Iran          13
*  Israel                            19
*  Italy                             22
*  Japan                              9
*  Kenya                              2
*  Kyrgyzstan                         1
*  Lebanon                            5
*  Luxembourg                         1
*  Malaysia                           3
*  Mexico                             2
*  Morocco                            4
*  Netherlands                       27
*  New Zealand                        1
*  Nigeria                            3
*  Norway                             9
*  Pakistan                           8
*  Palestinian Territory              1
*  Poland                             3
*  Qatar                             20
*  Republic of Korea                  3
*  Russian Federation                 6
*  Saudi Arabia                       1
*  Singapore                          5
*  South Africa                       7
*  Spain                             30
*  Sweden                            21
*  Switzerland                        9
*  Thailand                           1
*  Turkey                            91
*  Uganda                             1
*  United Republic of Tanzania        1
*  United arab emirates               7
*  United kingdom                   115
*  United states                  1,557
* Total number of "concealed" subscribers:           1
* Total number of users subscribed to the list:   2312  (non-"concealed" only)
* Total number of countries represented:            61
* Total number of universities represented:                             413

Best and Salaam to you all,

Tugrul Keskin
Founder and Moderator of the Sociology of Islam Mailing List






Dear Sociology of Islam Subscribers,


1.     Please send us informational messages, such as job ads, syllabi, research requests, new books or articles, conference and panel announcements, news and articles related to Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies.

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COPYRIGHT: © 2008 ISSN 1942-7956

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2.     Members who violate this code of ethics will be removed from the list.


1.     The Sociology of Islam subscription is open to anyone who is either a scholar or a student of Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies. The Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies Scholarly Network reserves the right not to include and to remove those who appear not to meet this criterion. However, we do not accept subscription request from anonymous email accounts, such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo or Gmx (or other); therefore, you should email your subscription request from your university email address with your full name.

Committee on Ethic and Implementation of Rules

This committee will review the cases and will decide about their compliance with stated rules, regulations and code of ethnics of the list. It will consist of 5 members. The majority of the voters will elect the members of this committee.

Term Limit: Two years period.

Moderators: Moderator position is open to any of the subscribers of the Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies Mailing List who has been in the list more than two years. Candidate for being a moderator should send her/his short CV to the list and the majority of the voters will elect it.

Term Limit: One year.

Subscribers: The following people can be subscribers to the mailing list:

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·      Adjunct and Fixed Term Instructors with university email addresses;

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·      Staff who work at Middle East or Islamic Studies Centers with university email addresses;

·      Independent Scholars with university or institutional email addresses